In pursuit of optimal quality, good care and lifelong learning ...
Master of Science in Psychology (VUB)
4 year Postgraduate Solution Focused Systemic and Cognitive Psychotherapy (Korzybski/Howest - specialisation modules Trauma, Couples & Family Therapy, Chronic Illness, Addiction Treatment)
Postgraduate Berievement Counselling (PXL)
Bachelor Family Sciences (Odisee Schaarbeek)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Practitioner i.t. (Integrativa)
Healing Complex Trauma with Trauma-informed IFS - 6 Month Master Class - Colleen West
Trauma Skillstrainingen Trauma-informed Practice, On the Spot, PTSD, C-PTSD - Ybe Casteleyn
Reboarding (Back to work after longterm absence - Huis voor Veerkracht)
Burn-out Coaching (Dr. Luc Swinnen)
Heartrate Coherence (Dr. David O'Hare, Integrativa + Louis van Nieuland, Louvanie)
Various short term trainings in the subject of Bereavement & Loss (Verbinding in Verlies)
One week with mom, one week with dad? (Claire Wiewauters, Odisee Schaarbeek)
Effective Negotiating (Karrass)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (FranklinCovey)